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What media outlets really want to see

The digital world we live in today is oversaturated with content. YouTube users upload over 400 hours of video every minute. More than a million videos are viewed on TikTok every single day. The global digital content creation market is expected to grow from $11 billion in 2019 to $38.2 billion in 2030.

With such a high level of saturation, it’s become even more important for the PR industry to step up the game and go the extra mile to make sure their clients’ content gets traction.

While creating the perfect pitch and fine-tuning messaging is important, giving the media the type of content their audience craves is the first step in getting coverage.

KEF Media has more than 35 years of experience and we work every day to stay on top of developing industry trends. From our experience, we’ve learned what media outlets really want to see, and it usually involves these five things:

  • Unique, timely content. A newsroom receives dozens of emails about post-pandemic travel and how it’s picking back up. We worked with our client on a Satellite Media Tour with Hilton on the same topic, but we separated our content in two ways. First, we pegged the timing on a new survey about post-pandemic travel trends. Second, the expert, a travel psychologist, evaluated how people have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic and how that impacts travel. The topic was unique and the timing was relevant. That difference resulted in more coverage than if we had only focused on travel trends, without any kind of hook.

  • Compelling content. Compelling content is visual, not bland. Give media outlets something to look at, and make sure you outline what the visuals look like in your pitch. We know how to create the ideal setting for media tours, whether it’s in a studio or on-location. The content you offer needs to be compelling enough to make a viewer want to stop and watch.

  • An engaging spokesperson. Media outlets love stories, so make sure your spokesperson has a story to tell. In a recent Satellite Media Tour, the spokesperson was a chef promoting the importance of eating well for optimum kidney health. He suffered from kidney disease and the tips he offered helped him as well. Having that personal connection to the message allowed the spokesperson to be authentic and engaging.

  • “News you can use.” Media outlets don’t want commercials. They want to offer the audience helpful information, or “news they can use.” This can include tips for everyday living or advice on how to tackle a problem. Remember that media outlets want stories, so ask yourself, “What is the story?”

  • Focus on the right audience. Of course, media outlets want to deliver the right content for their audience. The content you pitch should align with their audience. If you’re not sure who the target audience is, simply ask. The more you know about the audience, the better.

At KEF Media, we know what the media likes and how to get our client’s the right coverage. With more than 35 years of experience, we’re here to help you get the biggest bang for your buck. We like to say, “We do the work, you take the credit.” Contact us today to get started.