
Perfecting Your Message for the Media

You might think you have the perfect product or service to pitch to the media, but end up with no media coverage. No matter how great your business is, there can often be a disconnect between PR professionals and the media.

PR professionals are looking for publicity. The media is often looking for a ‘hook,’ or a compelling story. The media wants to present content that will capture viewers attention, whether it’s on television, radio, print, or digital platforms.

To overcome the disconnect between PR professionals and the media, you need to create compelling messages built around stories. Here are four tips to perfect your pitch and get the attention you want:

  1. Don’t try to sell a commercial. Making your entire pitch about the product or service you want covered will likely result in no coverage at all. This may seem counterintuitive at first. Your product will always be at the center of your message, but think about ways to build around your message. Does your business solve a common problem? Does it help families? Is it timely to any current events? There should always be a news peg to your pitch. The media will not cover a product or service without one.

  2. Identify current topics relevant to your company. Stay on top of what’s happening and explain how your business is relevant to current topics already being covered. We saw this happen a lot during the COVID-19 pandemic. The media was hungry for different angles, from homeschooling tips to medical-related topics. Know what’s happening and tie in your product or service to the current events.

  3. Time your pitch carefully. The month, week, day, and even hour you deliver your pitch can make a big difference. You need to give the media enough time to plan, but not too much time or your pitch may get lost in the sea of others received every day. You also want to make sure your pitch is timed carefully with current events. One of our clients wanted coverage ahead of summer 2021 travel plans. We launched a virtual media tour in May, giving the client proper coverage before summer really goes into full swing, and giving families time to still make travel plans.

  4. Offer the right spokesperson. Offering the right spokesperson can be the difference between coverage and no coverage. You should select someone who is aligned with your goals and mission, but also someone who the media (and audience) will find intriguing. When you’re selecting the right spokesperson, make sure the person is authentic. Authenticity is a big part of getting your message delivered successfully.

Take the stress out of perfecting your message and trust KEF Media to find the media tailored to you. We will create the right pitch to book your message in the right markets. We also provide detailed reporting so you know the results of your campaign.

If you need help finding the ideal spokesperson for your pitch, we’ve been negotiating talent on behalf of our clients for years. It is crucial to make sure you have the spokesperson the media wants.

KEF Media has 35 years of experience. We believe in creating long-term partnerships with our clients and can create custom tactics to get the results you want.