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Navigating Media Tours: An Exciting Outlook for the Rest of 2023

Media tours continue to play a pivotal role in connecting brands and organizations with their audiences. As we venture into the second half of 2023, media tours are set to bring even more excitement, innovation, and engagement.

Now is the time to create a strategy for the rest of the year. From here on out, there’s an opportunity every single month that brands can strategically use to increase visibility.

Just take a look at the calendar…

July: 4th of July

August: Back to School and Tailgating

September: Labor Day and Holiday Travel

October: Halloween

November: Thanksgiving

December: Christmas and Planning Spring Travel

There are several trends and expectations surrounding media tours for the rest of the year. Here are the top three that we’re noticing with our clients:

1. The Resurgence of In-Person Tours

After a long period of virtual events and remote interviews, the rest of 2023 is poised to witness the resurgence of in-person media tours. As the world recovers from the pandemic, organizations are eager to reestablish personal connections with their target audience. Face-to-face interactions provide a unique opportunity to create lasting impressions and build trust. From product launches to press conferences and exclusive media events, in-person media tours will be back with a bang, delivering immersive experiences and forging meaningful relationships.

2. Location Tours

Shopping malls, overseas resorts, even private islands — KEF Media has produced Satellite Media Tours (SMTs) from all of those locations. With on-location tours, you have the ability to transport viewers to another place.

Producing live tours outside or in unique locations adds excitement, and it’s not just for the viewer. From our experience, we’ve also noticed that talent and spokespeople tend to feed off the energy of on-location tours. For some media tours, it’s worth breaking out of the four walls of the studios and expanding the audience’s vantage point.

3. Split-Format Tours

A Split-format Tour is a combination between a Satellite Media Tour (either remote or in-studio) and a Virtual Media Tour. Virtual Media Tours became a popular option during the pandemic. The “split-format tour” combines the ease of access from the Virtual Media Tour with the security of the Satellite Media Tour. You can have two spokespeople in different locations across the country, send the signal back to a single studio, and it goes out to TV stations across the country. Great flexibility!

As we look ahead to the rest of 2023, media tours promise to be an exciting and transformative experience. With the resurgence of in-person tours, the integration of digital innovations, and the continued influence of influencers, media tours will shape the way organizations communicate with their audiences. Embracing these trends will allow businesses to maximize their reach, build meaningful connections, and make a lasting impact in the dynamic world of media and communication.

Need help getting started with the ideas above? Contact KEF today!